Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What's Your Opening Line?

Do you ever notice how many people tell you how they really feel when you ask? I'm talking about the people who tell you how lousy they feel, what ailment they have or what pains them.

What do you think they are attracting? You got it....more of the pain and suffering they are currently experiencing. Why do they do it? There's some pay-off whether it's the attention they're getting with the 'Oh, you poor thing' to the 'Is there anything I can do for you?' You gotta know there is something they're getting in exchange for their misery talk.

It can start so benignly too - 'Oh, I feel like I'm coming down with a cold' (when they really just feel the need to take a day off and are prepping others with the excuse). Sometimes one just wants to tell the truth and ask the world to feel sorry for them.

Okay, so do you see any of this in yourself? If so, get rid of that behaviour now! (Good Person, Bad Behaviour - hahaha - just borrowing from a dog training book title except trade Person for Dog) But really, catch yourself or others that you care about in the act of opening conversations with the 'woe is me' lines. You're on the track to get what you want, right? You want more of the good things in life, right? Good, lose this trait.

Also, do your friends and family a favour - if they start complaining to you - don't commiserate with them. If you do, you just add your energy to their negative spiral. I always just say - 'Oh, that's a drag' or something to that effect and I move on to the next subject. I NEVER put my focus and energy on commiserating - I either move on to the next subject or I look for solutions.

Remember, focus on the good thing and the good things will focus on you!



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