Do you ever notice how many people tell you how they really feel when you ask? I'm talking about the people who tell you how lousy they feel, what ailment they have or what pains them.
What do you think they are attracting? You got it....more of the pain and suffering they are currently experiencing. Why do they do it? There's some pay-off whether it's the attention they're getting with the 'Oh, you poor thing' to the 'Is there anything I can do for you?' You gotta know there is something they're getting in exchange for their misery talk.
It can start so benignly too - 'Oh, I feel like I'm coming down with a cold' (when they really just feel the need to take a day off and are prepping others with the excuse). Sometimes one just wants to tell the truth and ask the world to feel sorry for them.
Okay, so do you see any of this in yourself? If so, get rid of that behaviour now! (Good Person, Bad Behaviour - hahaha - just borrowing from a dog training book title except trade Person for Dog) But really, catch yourself or others that you care about in the act of opening conversations with the 'woe is me' lines. You're on the track to get what you want, right? You want more of the good things in life, right? Good, lose this trait.
Also, do your friends and family a favour - if they start complaining to you - don't commiserate with them. If you do, you just add your energy to their negative spiral. I always just say - 'Oh, that's a drag' or something to that effect and I move on to the next subject. I NEVER put my focus and energy on commiserating - I either move on to the next subject or I look for solutions.
Remember, focus on the good thing and the good things will focus on you!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
(This is a reprint of a Valentine's Day Article from my tips letter - Law of Attraction Tips. I've taken some liberties and substituted 'Summer' for 'Valentine's Day'...)
Alright, it's just about the end of Summer and you are on either one side of the fence or the other. You are part of the haves or have nots. Most of us want to be on the 'haves' side and some of us are trying to keep our 'have' status. This article is for both of you creatures. :)
Listen, you deserve to find or keep the love you deserve - so, what are you doing about it? If you don't have the love in your life that you want - use the Law of Attraction to get it. Do you find you keep ending up with the same kind of schmucks and schmuckettes? Well, there is a reason for that - you're not using the Law of Attraction deliberately.
Do you spend time going over and over in your mind what went wrong with the last 'love of your life' and have you been focusing on what a strike to your self-esteem they were? Guess what!? You're well on your way to finding an exact behavioural match with different skin on the outside. Get out of that rut, now!
Start being deliberate about the Law of Attraction and start focusing on what you DO want. Start by creating a list of all the character traits you want in your partner. Reframe the negatives into a positive statement (remember what you focus on grows) - for example, if your last partner was demeaning to you in public ask for this - "My ideal partner for me treats me with love and respect at all times". Or, if you had a partner that cheated on you - write down on your list - "My ideal partner has eyes only for me" instead of "My ideal partner doesn't cheat". The universal energy only picks up and reflects back on the feeling of the words (cheat) and doesn't hear negatives (doesn't).
I used to think it would be great to have a very good looking male version of my best friend. Naw, it really wasn't weird! I was focusing on all the fun things my best friend and I would do together and thought it would be great to have a love who would want to do the same kinds of things plus be my love! It worked! It can work for you, too!
Now, for those of you who do have someone in your life. How do you keep them? How do you keep that fire going? I've seen relationship after relationship fall into some pretty predictable patterns where partners fall out of appreciation for each other and that might as well be the death-knell of the relationship. So many of us start to focus on the nit-picky things in life and get frustrated with our partner. You can find terrible things about the most wonderful person in the world if you look and you can find wonderful things about the worst.
It's all about what YOU choose to focus on. What you focus on - you get. If you focus on the other's faults - you literally cannot see the loving person you decided to be with. Your brain works to prove you right. If you have an opinion or are seeking something - your brain will help you find it. So the question is, do you want to see a wonderful, loving person across from you who is perfect in their non-perfection or an uncaring, stupid idiot who just isn't even close to perfect? What you look for - you'll find. If you're in a great relationship - keep focusing on what makes it great. If you're not in a great relationship - start changing your mind. Start looking for the positive aspects in that person.
Have a great last few weeks of the Summer! If your life isn't reflecting what you truly want - I've got great news for you! You can start changing it today and in no time it will be a reflection of what you want on-going. In my podcasts, I take you on a step by step process on how to use the Law of Attraction and I round it this information with practical, useful tidbits in my tips letter.
Make it an awesome day - pass this on to a friend who is attracting it!
To subscribe - just look to the right - yes, right over there to the right and fill in your first name and primary email address. Just one email a week could change your life!
Alright, it's just about the end of Summer and you are on either one side of the fence or the other. You are part of the haves or have nots. Most of us want to be on the 'haves' side and some of us are trying to keep our 'have' status. This article is for both of you creatures. :)
Listen, you deserve to find or keep the love you deserve - so, what are you doing about it? If you don't have the love in your life that you want - use the Law of Attraction to get it. Do you find you keep ending up with the same kind of schmucks and schmuckettes? Well, there is a reason for that - you're not using the Law of Attraction deliberately.
Do you spend time going over and over in your mind what went wrong with the last 'love of your life' and have you been focusing on what a strike to your self-esteem they were? Guess what!? You're well on your way to finding an exact behavioural match with different skin on the outside. Get out of that rut, now!
Start being deliberate about the Law of Attraction and start focusing on what you DO want. Start by creating a list of all the character traits you want in your partner. Reframe the negatives into a positive statement (remember what you focus on grows) - for example, if your last partner was demeaning to you in public ask for this - "My ideal partner for me treats me with love and respect at all times". Or, if you had a partner that cheated on you - write down on your list - "My ideal partner has eyes only for me" instead of "My ideal partner doesn't cheat". The universal energy only picks up and reflects back on the feeling of the words (cheat) and doesn't hear negatives (doesn't).
I used to think it would be great to have a very good looking male version of my best friend. Naw, it really wasn't weird! I was focusing on all the fun things my best friend and I would do together and thought it would be great to have a love who would want to do the same kinds of things plus be my love! It worked! It can work for you, too!
Now, for those of you who do have someone in your life. How do you keep them? How do you keep that fire going? I've seen relationship after relationship fall into some pretty predictable patterns where partners fall out of appreciation for each other and that might as well be the death-knell of the relationship. So many of us start to focus on the nit-picky things in life and get frustrated with our partner. You can find terrible things about the most wonderful person in the world if you look and you can find wonderful things about the worst.
It's all about what YOU choose to focus on. What you focus on - you get. If you focus on the other's faults - you literally cannot see the loving person you decided to be with. Your brain works to prove you right. If you have an opinion or are seeking something - your brain will help you find it. So the question is, do you want to see a wonderful, loving person across from you who is perfect in their non-perfection or an uncaring, stupid idiot who just isn't even close to perfect? What you look for - you'll find. If you're in a great relationship - keep focusing on what makes it great. If you're not in a great relationship - start changing your mind. Start looking for the positive aspects in that person.
Have a great last few weeks of the Summer! If your life isn't reflecting what you truly want - I've got great news for you! You can start changing it today and in no time it will be a reflection of what you want on-going. In my podcasts, I take you on a step by step process on how to use the Law of Attraction and I round it this information with practical, useful tidbits in my tips letter.
Make it an awesome day - pass this on to a friend who is attracting it!
To subscribe - just look to the right - yes, right over there to the right and fill in your first name and primary email address. Just one email a week could change your life!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Attracted an Upgrade!
Hey everyone - as you know, Geoff and I were just in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago and I have a few stories to tell about this trip in relation to the Law of Attraction.
You may have already downloaded my v-cast (or audio) whereI talked about what was occuring in relation to my expectations of gambling and the money I had to gamble with - if you haven't checked it out yet - go to the Itunes or Podomatic link and you'll be able to check it out there.
Other than that - here's another story....
We had booked a king room on a non-smoking floor with a late arrival. When we got there - all those types of rooms were gone so we chatted with the front desk person at our hotel (Treasure Island) for a bit - she actually was familiar with where we are from as she used to work with an airline company (Westjet) that flies out of Kelowna. This is unusual!
We could hear the other front desk attendants trying to make alternate arrangements for other guests and it wasn't sounding too promising....
Then our gal said, almost in a hushed tone, I've got a room for you on our Penthouse floor where we put our high-rollers. It's designated neither smoking or non-smoking as we let them do whatever they want :) Do we want the room? - she asked....
It was a great room! Here's a picture looking down on the lagoon and pirate ship where we could watch the Pirate show. I don't know about you but I've never watched fireworks from above and it's actually quite spectacular and a little freaky when these balls of fire come streaking through the sky at your window! It was too funny, Geoff and I both jumped back the first time!
So, how did the Law of Attraction factor in to this? Well, in a couple of ways I figure - I have been travelling a lot in the past few years and have stayed at many hotels and so my expectations (which is what all of Law of Attraction is about!) are high and am often upgraded without asking.
Before we booked a room, I also had really wanted a room where we would be able to see the Pirate Show and voila!! This is just a quick insight into my intentions - nevermind the good that Geoff was attracting too.
You see, if you expect good things - you're more likely to attract them into your life. If you expect lousy things to happen - guess what!?
Anyways, just wanted to share one of my stories with you - have at least one more to come this week!
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