Friday, July 20, 2007


This weeks question....


Dear Karen, I just recently began to use the Law of Attraction in my life. And Monday of this week my job life totally blew apart and I thought I was so much on the right track and feel/think very discouraged. Care to comment?

Thank you.


Wow!! I feel honoured that you would ask me to comment - so here goes!

This is one of those questions that makes me want to pick up the phone and call because I have about a zillion questions to ask you! But, the first thing that comes to mind is to ask you what you've been asking for? What often happens is that this Law is so very powerful that when we start to think, feel and act deliberately - things in our life change. Sometimes drastically. Sometimes in a way we never thought.

So, my friend, I can't go much further than that but if you thought you were on the right track - chances are that you are and this is in line with what you want even though it doesn't make ONE iota of sense at this moment.

I'm sending you white light and good vibes - please keep me up to date on how things are going for you!



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1 comment:

DrOso101 said...

hello Karen, something like him jus happened (but in my love life). I heard you say that it works different for people (just broke up with girlfriend, and really love her). In this cas I know I was the one to blame (said the truth instead a little lie). Cna you help, any advise?