Monday, July 30, 2007

Law of Attraction at your Fingertips!

Hey everyone - hope you had an awesome weekend!
Last week I had the extreme pleasure of releasing my Law of Attraction Tip booklet - check it out for more details at:
You don't want to miss owning a copy of this!
Now, of course, my booklet has it's very own LOA story!
A few weeks ago, some of my subscribers may remember that I put out a call for help from a Mac user. A great guy by the name of Greg offered to help (along with many, many others - THANK YOU!) . I was working on my booklet and sent it off to him to check it out on the Mac. As it turned out, he is a graphic artist and offered to help me out with the design. Well, OMG! The finished product is soooooo much better than what I started with!
A great big THANKS! to Greg Salmela, Aegis (Toronto) - YOU ROCK!!
It just goes to show that Law of Attraction is at work ALL THE TIME! Are you prepared for your good coming your way?
Have an awesome week!

Friday, July 20, 2007


This weeks question....


Dear Karen, I just recently began to use the Law of Attraction in my life. And Monday of this week my job life totally blew apart and I thought I was so much on the right track and feel/think very discouraged. Care to comment?

Thank you.


Wow!! I feel honoured that you would ask me to comment - so here goes!

This is one of those questions that makes me want to pick up the phone and call because I have about a zillion questions to ask you! But, the first thing that comes to mind is to ask you what you've been asking for? What often happens is that this Law is so very powerful that when we start to think, feel and act deliberately - things in our life change. Sometimes drastically. Sometimes in a way we never thought.

So, my friend, I can't go much further than that but if you thought you were on the right track - chances are that you are and this is in line with what you want even though it doesn't make ONE iota of sense at this moment.

I'm sending you white light and good vibes - please keep me up to date on how things are going for you!



Every week I answer questions just like this from my readers and listeners - if you haven't signed up for my Law of Attraction Tips letter - why the heck not? If you think it sucks after a few issues - it's easy to unsubscribe!! Move those beautiful eyes of yours to the left and move up and there you are! Put your name and email address in and press the button. I promise I will never sell, rent or do anything untoward with your email address! PROMISE!

Monday, July 16, 2007

How to Keep Up Around Negative People Teleclass


Less than one hour after the announcement and the class was full!


Hey - ever had a really hard time staying up (keep your mind clean!) , staying positive around very negative people?

I'm doing a free teleclass on July 25th at 5 pm PST (8 pm Eastern) and YOU are invited!

BUT!! there are only 30 seats available and I won't be offering this class again.

Check it out at



Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Attracting what you Want

Hey, today is a short blog.

In order to attract what you want - you need two key ingredients to make it happen quicker. The ingredients? High emotion and expectation.

It's that simple. The stronger you feel and the more you expect something to happen - the quicker it will happen......period.

I'll talk more about this in the future - absolutely!


Take a look to the left on my blog right now - I am now having weekly recommendations for other resources for attracting what you want. I don't recommend anything lightly - I have always purchased and used the businesses products. Remember, it either resonates with you or it doesn't. If it doesn't, listen to that - something more powerful for you will come along.



Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What are you waiting for?

Too often I see people putting their life off as they wait for something. This 'something' is an event or timeframe that the author of the life has decided is the turning point.

That 'something' could be retirement - I know of a couple who were waiting until the husband retired so they could finally do the travelling they wanted to do. Not long after he retired, he had a heart attack and blindness set in for the wife. Needless to say, they never did the travelling they were waiting to do.

That 'something' could be wealth - how many people do you know that stay in lousy relationships because they feel they can't afford to leave? Or, how many stay in jobs waaaay too long instead of following their entrepreneurial dream?

One person is too many!

I truly believe that life is eternal however that doesn't mean one should not have joy in this life, follow their path in this life and live out their true potential in this life.

What does this have to do with the Law of Attraction? Tons! These are all examples of people attracting more of the same in their life because they don't believe the 'good life' is for them - NOW. Or worse yet, they aren't even aware that things could be so significantly different.

If you believe in lack - guess what the Law of Attraction brings? More lack.

So, what are you waiting for? Have you put aside your dreams for a day yet to come? Why? And, why not now?

Sending fun and abundant vibes your way,
