Thursday, December 6, 2007

Trust yourself! It can pay off!!

A few weeks ago, it became crucial to make a decision about putting new tires on one of our cars. Now, this is a car we're intending to sell in the New Year so don't want to put a bunch of money into it.

I did the research and could not, for the life of me, make a decision! This is soooo not like me at all. Finally, it was threatening to snow up around our house and we took the car to the tire store - asked for a certain tire to be put on. We were told to return around noon and we could pick up our car.

We came back and the fellow who helped us said that he had been literally on his hands and knees looking for the tires that the computer said they had in stock. We agreed to leave the car overnight as they could get the tire we wanted from one of their other local stores.

That's all well and good so we show up the next day and get the bill. Well, it's $200 more than what we were quoted!! I pointed that out and the sales person and I realized that the tires that were put on our car were more expensive (50% more than what the original price of the tires we chose).

So, what does he do? :) What any good person who is in tune with the Law of Attraction does! He just marked down the tires and we drove away with waaaaaay better tires than I had originally picked out.


I didn't ask for this specifically - it just happened and that's the way the Law works! I had a desire for good tires but didn't want to invest a whole lot in something we weren't going to keep. As it turns out - the Universe provided great tires to me at the price I wanted to pay.

In virtually every situation where I can't make a decision easily - it means there is something else at work that I'm not aware of and I need to sit back and relax and just act when I'm inspired instead of trying to make 'it' work. What ends up happening is generally always better than I could have imagined.


Anonymous said...

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S E R V I S S said...

Karen keep up the great work. It has been some time since we last connected... I assume by writing this we will cross paths in the near future for a life update.

Your words could not be more true. Although it took me a number of years to realize what this "law of attraction" was really about, I can not tell enough people about it now. When you are ready to open the door, you will be amazed at what starts to manifest around you.

If you are looking for a great intro book, pick up a copy of Dr Wayne Dyer's "Power of Intentions"

Have a great weekend!

Dustin - Financial Advisor, Kelowna