Everyday I have the absolute delight of seeing the Law of Attraction work in my life - EVERY DAY!!!
I've been asked by my subscribers of my tips letter, The Law of Attraction Tips, to write more about my direct experience and so that's when I decided to start my blog. The stories I tell are not intended to sound like gloating but more just to demonstrate my own personal experiences. So forgive me if they sound boastful - not meant to be that at all!!!
So here goes....
Not only were we able to get tickets to the first stadium concert the Police have put on in over 25 years (which incidentally sold out in less than 4 minutes!) - we got great seats for a great price. I know lots of people who paid waaaay more money with seats that weren't nearly as great. Check out the picture of Sting!
While in Vancouver, my husband and I also decided that we should get our passports and in Canada, that has been a nightmare since the passport laws for travelling to the US by air changed in January. We've seen reports where people waited in line ups in the rain all day.
Geoff and I decided to get to the office early - about 6:45 am as the office opens at 7:30. We weren't surprised to see that a line up had already formed. We were surprised to have been escorted inside almost immediately and were processed in less than half an hour. We were done before the office was even supposed to be open!!!!
That's great attraction!!!!
Here's to attracting something fantastic!