I don't know about you but I've never really gotten a great answer about how intuition fits in with Law of Attraction.
So, I'm going to take a stab at it - I would love to hear your thoughts....
It's true we are always creating our circumstances, right!? But, what if you have a 'feeling' that something is going to happen - is intuition just you being aware of what you've already attracted OR are you tuning into something someone else has already attracted?
Here's a for instance - when Geoff and I (in the picture above) were off to Las Vegas and were planning our trip - I had figured out which flights we would like to take. For our return trip, we wanted to get home as soon in the day as possible on the quickest flight. There were two flights I tagged - one was early and short and the other was a little later and a bit longer. I had a 'feeling' from the start that the early flight was going to be delayed. I just knew it BUT I wasn't booking the flight so left it up to the Universe and powers that be. I always put it out there that the best thing will happen so, please Universe, put me on the right flight for me.
The early flight was booked and no matter who I let know about our travel plans - I had said the flight is supposed to be in by noon - I wasn't optomistic about it at all. I KNEW it would be delayed - knew it, knew it, KNEW IT!!!
Guess what!? I know, you're a smart cookie - it was delayed! Now, did I create that? Or, was I tuning into what was already created? I'm not the only one that was on that flight....was this the creation of the whole group or perhaps.....the energy of that particular flight. OR!! Was this Geoff's creation that I was tuning into because he won a whole crapload of money at the slots while we were delayed. (There is always a silver lining! :))
You know, to me, it seemed like it was already created and if I had really listened to my intuition we would have requested the other later flight and been home hours before the time we eventually got home. Geoff would have also been a little lighter in the pocket. Hmmmm, maybe it all turned out exactly the way it was supposed to turn out.
Anyways, I believe there are times that intuition is reflecting back to you something that is already created - you just then get to decide whether you want to create something different.
Love to hear your comments!